Real Estate News
Why Real Estate May be A Big Winner In The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act
On the surface, it may look like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is bad for real estate. The reduction in the deductibility of mortgage interest and the combined $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions for income, sales, and property, along with the elimination of moving expense deductions would make a compelling argument. But after digging through the fine print, the outcome is that real estate may actually be the big winner.
Direct Attacks on Prop 13…… LET THE VOTER BEWARE!!!!
One of the key Ionic reforms of Proposition 13 was the two-thirds vote required to change any sales or parcel tax increases. Below are some of the Bills (and their authors) currently awaiting a vote that are DIRECT ATTACKS against this iconic measure.
After Strike, Los Angeles teachers aim at California tax reform
After settling a strike that galvanized support for long-neglected public schools in America’s second-largest school district, the Los Angeles teachers union is turning its sights on major new sources of sustained education funding.
Prop 13 or Split Roll Tax?
Prop 13 is once again under attack. It is now being challenged by The League of Women Voters, The California Federation of Teachers, Civil Liberties Union of Southern California., and PICO. This proposed amendment to Prop 13 called the “Split Roll Tax” would tax commercial retail, office and industrial property based upon the properties annual fair market value. Some small business and agricultural properties could be exempt. Residential properties are not supposed to be affected.
Prop 13 Videos
The Good News About Proposition 13
Prop 218 Basics
Cost Segregation
New Tax Law Immediate Write-Off Increases Demand For Tax Savvy Engineers
Boiling down one of the more exciting provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for my friends in reals estate, I would say that the bill lets them immediately write off a substantial piece of an acquisition – twenty maybe thirty percent.
Repair Regulations, Depreciation, and Cost Segregation in a Post-Tax Reform Environment
Congress recently passed the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Depreciation, capitalization under the repairs regulations and cost segregation are impacted by several provisions of the Act.
Federal Tax Day - TCJA Released (FS-2018-9), (Apr. 23, 2018)
The IRS has released a Fact Sheet regarding depreciation deductions that were changed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97). The new law increased the maximum deduction for Code Sec. 179 property from $500,000 to $1 million and also increased the phase-out threshold from $2 million to $2.5 million.